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Jason MacKenzie, CIPR: We must beware of innovation for the sake of innovation

Jason MacKenzie

We are glad to publish today for our PR innovation column the interview with Jason MacKenzie, the President-Elect of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations CIPR. Jason is an integrated PR and marketing communications professional. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) and in 2017 will become president of the CIPR.

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Time-based versus value-based billing model in PR. In dialogue with Chris Dobson, Speyside Corporate Relations

Chris Dobson 2

In today’s PR industry, the preeminent billing method is based on hours spent. Despite the grey areas of this model, only few agencies have succeeded with an alternative model or are prepared to try the value-based billing. Alternatives to hourly billing are still niche strategies for agencies that like to differentiate themselves from the crowd. PR Romania has talked with Chris Dobson, President of Speyside Corporate Relations, about how innovation of billing models in PR could look like.  

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PR in The Age of Experience

rares petrisor 298% of companies surveyed in a Forrester study said that customer experience is of strategic importance, while 28 percent ranked it as their first priority. Why is this such a hot issue in all the PR, marketing and branding efforts globally put by companies to attract and retain more customers? Because there’s a direct link between the effort – considering the fact that it is properly and strategically done – and the results: 70% of clients stopped doing business with a brand if the customer experience was poor, while more than 80 percent were willing to pay more (up to 5% premium) for a better customer experience (CX).

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Judy Gombita, PR Conversations: It’s doubtful the typical client feels a sense of priority about the need for innovative PR services

gombita-judy 2I’m honored to discuss today with Judy Gombita, the Canadian contributor and co-content editor to the global, collaborative blog PR Conversations. Judy is a Toronto-based public relations, communication management and social media strategist, with more than 20 years of employment and executive-level volunteer board experience, primarily in the financial and lifelong learning non-profit sectors. Judy shared with us her perspective on innovation in PR.

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Jon Meakin, Grayling: We are often prisoners of our own experience and an innate risk aversion can hold us back

Jon MeakinThe topic of agency evolution is one that invites us to reflect. More and more, PR agencies are foraying into the future by experimenting on new and un-tested grounds and at the same time keeping an eye on the bottom line. Innovation requires risk taking and acceptance that some of the things we might try won’t work. It means at the same time breaking away from the traditional messaging approach to public relations to a more strategic-management approach that improves long-term relationships between an organization and its publics.

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Tony Christodoulou: Clients are still looking for solutions that work for them and they don’t really bother with how we package this offering

tony christodoulouForty years after launching Action Global in Cyprus, Tony Christodoulou now oversees a network that stretches from Morocco to Russia to Pakistan. The agency employs almost 400 staff across 31 owned offices in North Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East—and earned one of the SABRE Awards for Outstanding Individual Achievement. PR Romania has invited Tony to talk about how innovation can transform public relations.

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Ce mai inovează lumea în PR atunci când inovează

eliza rogalski 4M-am întors de curând de la Hong Kong, unde am participat la reuniunea anuală a agenţiilor membre PROI din toată lumea – acesta fiind cel mai important eveniment al anului, pentru că oferă şansa de a vedea în practica ce anume au descoperit şi au aplicat agenţiile în materie de management şi profesie. Recunosc, am avut rezerve de la capitolul „inovaţie” pentru că în general am aşteptări mici de la această temă – nu spun că le-am văzut pe toate, ci doar că în goana după „încă ceva nou”, clienţii au cam rămas deseori fără „ceva vechi” care le trebuia în munca lor de zi cu zi.

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Roberto Adriani, MSL Group: PR agencies are outdated as long they talk about ‘products’ for clients

Roberto Adriani‘I strongly believe that the destiny of the world is in ‘words’. PR agencies are outdated as long they talk about “products” for clients. I think that we have to talk about processes first of all. Consumers are much less loyal than before, market changes every day, globalization has created an interdependent world and even time seems going quicker’ - Roberto Adriani, MSL Group Italy

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Gabriela Lungu, Weber Shandwick: Many agencies are run by fear of losing what they already have, instead of hunger for what they could have

gabriela lungu nou‘It takes a lot of guts to push yourself to embrace bravery – especially if you have a good business going on and you don’t see an immediate need to do it. There’s an old saying “If it ain't broke, don't fix it”. Many agencies are run by fear of losing what they already have, instead of hunger for what they could have. Until defenders shift to having an attackers’ mentality, there’s little innovation’, told us Gabriela Lungu, Chief Creative Officer UK & EMEA at Weber Shandwick, in an interview with PR Romania on how innovation will take PR to the next level.

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Jan Simunek, Grayling: The pool of entrepreneurial PR people is limited in most CEE markets

Jan SimunekPR Romania has invited Jan Simunek, Chief Executive Officer, CEE, CIS & Russia, Grayling, to talk about how innovation can transform public relations. Jan believes that ‘the pool of talented, entrepreneurial people is limited in most CEE markets. This is a challenge for everyone, not just PR agencies. We are certainly not short of ‘doers with entrepreneurial skills’ in Romania but that is the result of a lot of hard work from the local management team to identify and attract high quality people. It’s not easy, it takes a lot of effort.’

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Andrea Cornelli, CEO Ketchum Italy: Highly innovative or disruptive ideas are viewed with suspicion by the clients

Andrea Cornelli‘PR agencies are able to create great ideas; the issue is that clients, often, prefer to be reassured and have already proven solutions leading to safe results. Highly innovative or disruptive ideas are viewed with suspicion, if this is not into the DNA brand’ told us Andrea Cornelli, CEO Ketchum Italy, in an interview with PR Romania on how innovation could take PR to the next level. 

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Inovația în vremea holerei

rares petrisor 2Mai întâi, despre timp. E în tine. În mine, în ei, în noi toți. Presiunea. Lupta cu minutele, cu secundele. Ce repere mai avem, ce unități de măsură? Număr de emoții/zi? Cantitatea de materiale/săptămână? Concept/seară? Faulkner așeza în pagină una dintre cele mai frumoase definiții ale acestei permanente zbateri: timpul se naște abia când ne mor ceasornicele. Privind înapoi, acum când aproape toate ceasurile par moarte, păcatul originar al industriei de PR este că lucrează cu emoții, nu cu borcane de gem așezate frumos în raft, șterse din când în când de praf.

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Chris Dobson: PR has a fantastic opportunity to innovate and lead the entire communications debate

chris dobsonPR Romania has invited Chris Dobson, Agency CEO & Entrepreneur and outgoing EMEA Head of Emerging Markets, Edelman, to talk about how innovation can transform public relations. The agencies of the future, Chris believes, have fantastic opportunities to innovate and lead the entire communications debate. But this will require agencies themselves to be bold, demanding, expansive, creative and pioneering.

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Jeremy Galbraith, Burson-Marsteller: By monitoring and analyzing communication trends we are more prepared for how rapidly change can happen

jeremy galbraithNo-one can accurately predict the future, but at least by constantly monitoring and analyzing communication trends we are more prepared for how rapidly and radically change can happen. (Jeremy Galbraith)

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Inovaţia în PR, it’s not so complicated

andreea leonte 2Dacă vorbim de inovaţie, trebuie să începem cu creativitatea. Creativitatea este talentul, iar inovaţia este procesul de transformare a ideii creative într-un produs sau un serviciu care schimbă în bine lumea în care trăim. Creativitatea este emoţie şi este nemăsurabilă, pe când inovaţia este logică şi măsurabilă.

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Pascal Beucler, MSLGROUP: Innovating in PR means also recruiting differently

pascal beucler‘In times of transformation, we need to think big & smart. That’s what innovation in PR should be about. The difficulty is that not all clients are ready for change and that in fact some of them are change-averse’, told us Pascal Beucler, SVP & Chief Strategy Officer at MSLGROUP, in an interview with PR Romania on how innovation will take PR to the next level.

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Richard Houghton: Don't just create, innovate

richard houghtonThere is a big difference between creativity and true innovation, and PR agencies need to start delivering the latter in order to stand out from the crowd.

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Marshall Manson, Social@Ogilvy: Between experimentation and watching the bottom line

marshall mansonThe future is laden with more complex technology and big ideas. More and more, PR agencies are foraying into the future by experimenting on new and un-tested grounds and at the same time keeping an eye on the bottom line. They must prepare themselves for the unforeseeable, take structural risks and train their ability to innovate.

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