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WikiLeaks and the Future of Public Relations

peter_debrecenyI think there's a feeling of anger and frustration towards WikiLeaks, and in any situation where there is extreme anger and frustration sometimes the rhetoric outpaces the rational approach. There's an increasing acceptance that as communicators we need to take advantage of this changing environment. Rather than try to fight it, the more sophisticated companies are accepting that we are no longer in control of messaging (if we ever were), so are much more interested in influencing the debate and the dialogue.

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Julian Treasure: It's Sad to Hear a Great Brand Undermining itself with Inconsistent Messaging Where the Eyes are Told one Thing and the Ears Get a Completely Different Story

julian_treasureJulian Treasure is author of the book Sound Business, the first map of the exciting new territory of applied sound for business, and he has been widely featured in the world’s media, including TIME Magazine, The Economist and The Times. Julian Treasure is Chairman of The Sound Agency, the world's leading sound consultancy. He has over 25 years' experience in business, marketing and sound, working with clients such as Marks & Spencer, BAA, The Body Shop, InterContinental Hotels Group, Tesco and Unilever. His message is clear: take control of your sound; understand it; design it; make it work for you instead of against you.

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Arevik Saribekyan, Director of British Council Armenia: Dialogue through Culture Always Works Miracles!

arevik_simonyanFirst, let me say that I am happy to work for a cultural organisation because no matter what position you are occupying, you are always dealing with people, creating opportunities for them and changing lives. I have worked in different sectors – public, business, NGO – and when comparing, I can confidently say that culture is the safest area where people feel comfortable and they are more open to interact and share.

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Brian Solis: This is Your Moment to Make Public Relations Count!

brian.solisFor the first time in Romania, Brian Solis, the author of "Engage" and principal of FutureWorks, was interviewed by PR Romania. Below, he talks about how social media has changed the way we perceive privacy, how PR professionals integrate social media in their campaigns in Eastern European countries, and about the future of Public Relations.

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Crosby Noricks, Founder PR Couture: Don’t Confuse PR with Sales!

crosby_noricksFashion PR is not a very famous field in Romania, neither in the academia, nor in practice. Curious to find out what are the elements that characterize fasion PR, we interviewed Crosby Noricks, a specialist with over seven years of experience in public relations and fashion, and who is full of passion for what she does.

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Dave Hannay: If a Brand Panics in Recession, it will Disappear as a Brand

dave_hannay_2During High Impact Brands Conference I interviewed the special guest speaker, Dave Hannay, Global Commercial Head of Brand Equity Synovate London. He talked  about recession,  brands, brand equity and the importance of communication.

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Andy Lopata: The Move from Informal Networking to Strategic Networking

I would argue that our use of networking is still very inefficient and lacks focus. As more businesses recognise its importance, we should see a wider acceptance of its role in business and planning for its use, says Andy Lopata, one of the most important business networking strategists, labelled "Mr. Network" by The Sun.

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No Bribery Please! We’re British!

guw_burrow2A new combatant in the fight against corruption has been added to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the OECD Anti-bribery Convention. Britain’s parliament has just passed a tough new bribery law, to come into force later this year. The law is widely seen as a response to the UK Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into BAE Systems past activities in Central Europe. It is relevant to Romania.

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Lee Wilkins: Many Romanian Companies are Using Social Media in Completely the Wrong Way!

Most people see social media as a communication to sell nonsense.  That's all they do! They pump offers through the tools they use: buy this shirt, buy this car etc. But it is not the right way to do it! Social media and social networks are all about give and take, so you have to give to the community before you can take from it. For most brands in Romania, it's just take, before give.

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Guy Burrow: Lobbying in Romania is Not so Coherent to be Called an Industry

Lobbying in Romania is not so coherent to be called an industry. Various interest groups try to influence decisions and employ different methods. The perception of lobbying is that it is itself a somewhat mysterious activity – they are confusing the activity of lobby itself (trying to persuades someone of our point of view), with how it is carried out. The implication is usually that the convincing is done by offering something illegal like money. However, the media also propagates this misunderstanding, although it seems they can see the difference of lobby for “legitimate” causes, like the King or President lobbying for Romania’s membership of NATO and the EU. One of the positive effects of being members of the EU is that people are hearing more about business and industry, and indeed countries, lobbying for their interests in Brussels.

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The Strongest Trend in Public Relations is the Evolution Toward a Strategic Managerial Role

I believe the strongest trend in public relations is the evolution toward a strategic managerial role. Ironically, the key issues and challenges facing public relations relate to the forces that limit the management role of public relations and the development of the body of knowledge in the discipline. The first problem facing public relations is confusion over what it means for public relations to be strategic. The idea that public relations should be strategic rather than tactical has become a buzzword today in professional circles. However, my Swiss colleague, Francesco Lurati of the University of Lugano, has written that most practitioners of public relations typically define strategic public relations as communication that supports the implementation of organizational objectives rather than as true participation in the making of organizational decisions. In Lurati’s words: “From this perspective corporate communication is considered strategic when it pursues objectives which are merely aligned with the corporate ones. The term ‘strategy’ does not change the tactical nature of the task communication fills . . . the communication function makes no contribution to the defining of corporate strategy.”

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Public Relations is the only communications discipline to truly understand the potential of social media. An interview with Nick Andrews, chairman of the Fleishman-Hillard Brussels

Public relations is going to become ever more important as we go into the next decade. This is largely because communications is less about shouting from the rooftops (which is essentially what advertising does, especially TV advertising) and much more about managing conversations. It’s the difference between the pulpit and being at a cocktail party – companies and brands have to realise that there are a hundred different conversations taking place about them at all times. They need to be part of these because, if they are not, people will talk anyway. Public Relations has always been about this and is the only communications discipline to truly understand the potential of social media in this process. At Fleishman-Hillard, we are seeing clients coming to us to help them make sense of who to talk to, how best to connect with these people, and how to build mutually meaningful relationships. There is still a lot to be done in this area, however, particularly as the technology continues to develop. Our job is both to understand this and to make sure that the age-old principles of public relations still apply.

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